Sports Science in Practice

Not exclusive for the elite class

Sik Hon
2 min readJan 30, 2018

It’s back in 2008, right before Beijing Olympic. I was taking care of my client who dedicated to complete Oxfam Trailwalker (a 100km trail event) within 20 hours. He came with a patellar tendinitis, flared up after continuous practice on the hills.

While I’m quite confident in my physiotherapy, I have no idea if the gentleman could finish 100km without any issue; not to mention finish 100km within 20 hours. I knew there’s something missing in the practice. And it’s Sports Science.

Sports science (also sports and exercise science, sports medicine or exercise physiology) is a discipline that studies how the healthy human body works during exercise, and how sport and physical activity promote health and performance from cellular to whole body perspectives. The study of sports science traditionally incorporates areas of physiology (exercise physiology), psychology (sport psychology), anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry and biokinetics.
- Wikipedia

Sports Science is indeed one of the most important science to build a healthy body. In that particularly client, I could eventually build up a rehabilitation and training program with a good touch from sports science — and he completed Trailwalker with 18 hours. Flying colours, salute to the great sports science.

Here’re the relationship between sports science and you:

  • Sports science helps you in your sports performance
  • With the same science, you can enjoy better quality of life because you can move better easier quicker with freedom
  • The science can improve your performance at work, too
  • Sports science serves all walks of lives and inclusive of every human being
This’ sports science
This’ sports science as well

I’m grateful to have the chance to work with some of the best experts in sports science around the world; and I’m grateful to have the chance to work with a lot of people from all walks of lives.

This Medium article might be a bit short and superficial. Down the road I will put up some good readings like I’ve written in Chinese. The topics will include Load Management, Exercise Prescription, Science behind Return to Play, etc.

Stay tuned.



Sik Hon

CEO — Sportsline Asia - Integrated Sports Medicine