毅行… 然後呢?

Sik Hon
4 min readNov 17, 2017


你是 84.7% 嗎?還是你是 15.3%?

區建恆和何曉輝於 2006 年 Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 發表的 “Injury pattern and factors affcting the performance in Oxfam Trainwalker 2006” 內提及:

A total of 3944 walkers took part in Oxfam Trailwalker 2006 and 3257 (84.7%) walkers finished the 100km trail

不要以為成功完成,便可以輕輕的我走了。事實上,醫療記錄統計顯示,能成功完成 100km 的毅行者,延續的身體問題比不能完成的毅行者還要高:

In general, successful walkers had more medical complaints: 25.5% of the successful walkers complained of muscle cramp while 19.5% of the dropouts complained of muscle cramp (p=0.0020); 13.6% of the successful walkers complained of blisters while 10.6% of the dropouts complained of blisters (p=0.0515); 4.5% of the successful walkers complained of wound as compared to 2.6% of the dropouts (p=0.0292) and 4.7% of the successful walkers had other complaints while 2.2% of the dropouts had other complaints (p=0.0074).




壓力襪 (Compression Socks)

即使在 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 同一期刊內,對壓力襪的恢復功效也會見到不同結論。

Armstong el at 以賽後兩星期漸進加速跑步機測試 (Graduated treadmill test) 作為量度基準,得出「壓力襪有助功能恢復」的結論:

The wearing of below-knee compression socks for 48 hours after marathon running has been shown to improve functional recovery as measured by a graduated treadmill test to exhaustion 2 weeks after the event.

而 Hill el at 以賽後 24 / 48 / 72 小時的等長肌力 (MVIC) 及身體生理反應指標 Creatine Kinase (CK) 及 C-reative Protein (C-RP) 作為量度基準,得出「壓力襪無助亦無損恢復」的結論。


全身冰療 (Whole Body Cryotherapy)


先不要說文獻研究。光說「以零下100度極低溫來加速恢復」已經引起我的質疑。零下100度,指的是把液態氮 (Liquid Nitrogen) 氣化後在排氣口的溫度 (Nozzle temperature),而非實際的皮膚溫度 (Skin temperature)。「以零下100度極低溫來加速恢復」跟「我家使用 100000 伏等電源」是等同纙輯。

文獻亦有表明,全身冰療的功效成疑,甚至會對身體恢復產身反效果。Wilson et al 的文獻,結論簡單直接:

The findings show WBC has a negative impact on muscle function, perceptions of soreness and a number of blood parameters




相對有效的恢復方法,包括按摩、震動治療、以及最直接間單的方法 — 睡眠。

運動按摩 (Sports Massage)

運動按摩於歐美澳洲都非常盛行,在亞洲還是剛起步。Poppendieck et al 的一份文獻回顧,綜合了 22 個 Randomized Controlled Trial 的結論,認為每組肌群 5–12 分鐘的運動按摩已經足夠,更多時間效果反而更差:

A tendency was found for shorter massage (5–12 min) to have larger effects (+6.6 %, g = 0.34) than massage lasting more than 12 min (+1.0 %, g = 0.06). The effects were larger for short-term recovery of up to 10 min (+7.9 %, g = 0.45) than for recovery periods of more than 20 min (+2.4 %, g = 0.08). Although after high-intensity mixed exercise, massage yielded medium positive effects (+14.4 %, g = 0.61), the effects after strength exercise (+3.9 %, g = 0.18) and endurance exercise (+1.3 %, g = 0.12) were smaller. Moreover, a tendency was found for untrained subjects to benefit more from massage (+6.5 %, g = 0.23) than trained athletes (+2.3 %, g = 0.17)

ImtIyaz et al 的研究亦指出,按摩對肌力輸出恢復有正面效果。


震動治療 (Vibration Therapy)

震動治療的定義,是以 30–80 Hz 的震動,局部治療等定肌群。ImtIyaz et al 的研究,比對運動按摩和震動治療的效果,認為震動治療比按摩更能減輕運動後肌肉酸痛 (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness, DOMS),而按摩對肌力輸出 (1RM) 則有較大效果:

Massage is more effective in restoration of concentric strength (1 RM), yet vibration therapy shows clinically early reduction of pain and is effective in decrease the level of LDH in 48 hours post exercise periods. They can be used as an alternative to each other depending on the requirement and condition




Nédélec, M. et al 的大型文獻回顧,得出一個大家「心知肚明」的結論:

Sleep deprivation may be detrimental to the outcome of the recovery process after a match, resulting in impaired muscle glycogen repletion, impaired muscle damage repair, alterations in cognitive function and an increase in mental fatigue



Armstrong S.A., et al. Compression Socks and Functional Recovery Following Marathon Running: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: February 2015 — Volume 29 — Issue 2 — p 528–533

Au C.K.H, Ho, H.F. Injury pattern and factors affcting the performance in Oxfam Trainwalker 2006. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2006

ImtIyaz S., et al. To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage in Prevention of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jan, Vol-8(1): 133-136

Hill J.A., et al. Influence of Compression Garments on Recovery After Marathon Running. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: August 2014 — Volume 28 — Issue 8 — p 2228–2235

Nédélec, M., Halson, S., Abaidia, AE. et al. Stress, Sleep and Recovery in Elite Soccer: A Critical Review of the Literature. Sports Med (2015) 45: 1387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-015-0358-z

Poppendieck, W., Wegmann, M., Ferrauti, A. et al. Massage and Performance Recovery: A Meta-Analytical Review. Sports Med (2016) 46: 183. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-015-0420-x

Wilson, L.J., Cockburn, E., Paice, K. et al. Recovery following a marathon: a comparison of cold water immersion, whole body cryotherapy and a placebo control. Eur J Appl Physiol (2017) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-017-3757-z

題外話:4 位被醫生判定需要入院的毅行者,居然有兩位 Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA) 距絕治療,並非理想數據。當然那是 2006 年的實況,及後也未有其他文獻對比



Sik Hon

CEO — Sportsline Asia - Integrated Sports Medicine